Catalogs for retargeting audiences

Sales goals and how to configure our catalog to achieve them

When talking about retargeting audiences and catalogs, we are going to show users the products that they have not bought but they have visited them or they added them to the cart. Also, we could be showing old customers new products to sell to them again.

Basic strategy

In retargeting we expect that the platform is already going to show those products for which users have shown some interest, so in these campaigns we should not segment feeds and include all products, since that way we can impact any product that have pending closing sales, therefore we will have a wider audience.

Improve layout creativity for FOMO (Optimization)

To promote the closing of the purchase, it is interesting to provoke FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) by optimizing fees through various techniques:

  • Show the deadline dates of offers.
  • Include the discounts of the products that they have in the cart and the previous price crossed out. Avoid hodgepodge looking for layouts WITH and WITHOUT discount so that they maintain a good look and feel, that they are integrated.
  • Show specific discount codes only to those people we are interested in to close sales (eg only those who made ATC more than 20 days ago). NOTE: Requires integration with the ecommerce for the code to be applied.

→ How to: These fields are applied in the Layouts of your feeds to compose an appealing message to show them to your possible customers.


Advanced Strategies

These retargeting strategies seek to achieve recurring sales from former customers. If they are satisfied with us, they will buy more from us, and if they liked the product and bought from us, they have already reduced the psychological barrier to purchase in our ecommerce and it will be easier for them to make another purchase.

Show complementary products

We seek to promote cross-selling by offering products that are complementary to those that have been purchased. It is an optimization that depends a lot on the industry, but here we have a few examples:

  • In fashion, campaigns can be set up only for accessories or upper body product feed or lower body product feed, so that whoever buys something from the upper body is offered lower body products and vice versa.
  • In computing, if they have bought a laptop, offer accessories of the same brand or complementary products such as screens, supports, UPS...

→ How to: The feed must add the product_type field to be able to filter on the platforms according to our goal.

Show products appealing due to changes in the customer needs

If we know the habits of our customers we can offer them seasonal products, or replacements if our product becomes obsolete. Let's see some examples:

  • For children's clothing brands, promote recurring sales through clothing sizes. Knowing that people buy clothes from 6 to 8 years old this year, you can retarget them with clothes from 8 to 10 the following year, to get them to buy when the children get older.
  • For electronics brands, if the product life cycle is two years, show the new models after two years of purchase.

→ How to:  Add the fields that allow the segmentations in the platforms to allow selection of retargeting audiences.

Show slightly superior products

For users who have bought more than once from the brand, we could design a feed only with products with a higher average ticket or the next level of quality.

→ How to:  Find out which products are considered the next level of quality in your catalog, and segment your catalog to offer only those to customers. You must have a field with that information in your catalog to be able to filter by it.

New season products

Show only the new season products so that the most loyal users can keep up to date with the news and make it easier for them to make recurring purchases.

→ How to: You will need to activate the optimization of feeds New´s In. It automatically includes a new_since date field that you can use to create segmentations that show products from the last X days.

Show the Big Sales products

A customer who has bought one of our products is predisposed to buy another of our products. If that product is a best seller, it is more likely that it will buy again and we will reinforce our positioning and image with the customer.

→ How to: You will need to activate the Sales Data Integration in Feeds. It will automatically includes the performance_data field that shows the best-selling products so you can quickly segment by best-selling products. You can also run it manually by indicating the product ids in the filter.

Improve the product´s titles and descriptions

Depending on the platform, it can be very relevant that the quality of the descriptions and titles is very high to maximize the appearance in searches, or that with a specific format better results are obtained such as “BRAND - PRODUCT ”.

→ How to: In the optimizations you can redo the fields of your feed through the Concat optimization. This allows you to regenerate the content of the field using the content of other fields in the feed.


Implementation on the platforms

Once the feed is ready to be uploaded to the platform, we have to select the best sales configuration in the platform.


We can implement it for DPA campaigns. In this case, the carousel format works better than the collection one: we have found that the cover generally does not increase sales, or even reduce them.


Google Merchant Smart Shopping/Maximum Performance campaign.


Catalog sales campaigns.


Collections Ads.