Set up a catalog in Facebook/Meta

Leran how connect Feeds with Commerce Manager

In this article, we will explore the process of setting up a catalog in Meta Commerce Manager while leveraging the capabilities of the Adsmurai Marketing Platform. You can choose to connect a catalog from AMP to a new catalog in Meta or connecting it to an existing catalog.

  1. Create an Optimized Feed for Meta in AMP. 
  2. Collect the url of this Optimized feed 9-Apr-10-2024-10-31-52-7796-AM
  3. Decide wether you want to connect this url to a new Meta catalog or to an existing one.

Connecting the Optimized Feed url to a new Meta catalog

  1. Access Meta Business Setting
  2. Go to Data sources > Catalogs:
  3. Click on Add > Create a New Catalog according the business we have:
  4. Add people for our catalog:
  5. Connect our catalog with the pixel:
  6. Access Commerce Manager and search for the catalog:
  7. On the left side menu, click on Data Sources > Data Feed:
  8. Once more, we are gonna select the second option Schedule Feed:
  9. Paste the url copied in AMP. Remember to leave User and Password empty:
  10. Set up the schedule update:
  11. Continue with the last settings:
  12. Wait for the item to update. And that's it! 


Connecting the Optimized Feed url to an existing Meta catalog

  1. Access Commerce Manager and search for the catalog:
  2. On the left side menu, click on Data sources and the on the existing Data feed:Clipboard - 8 de junio de 2023 18_28
  3. Click on Settings and, next to the existing URL, click on the three dots and "edit":Clipboard - 8 de junio de 2023 18_29
  4. Change the existing URL for the one collected in AMP:
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¿Do you still have doubts?

Check out the following video guide on how to connect a catalog in Meta: