Dynamic Fields: Price and Sale Price for Layouts

Learn how to use price and sale_price dynamic fields on a layout

There are different ways to display the price of a product in our layout. To do this, go to Creatives > Dynamic Fields section in the left-hand side menu of Creatives tool.

Here you will find different options depending on your needs:

Price fields

Price Fields - Price (1)-1

Sale_price fields

Price Fields - sale_price-1

But what about showing the percentage discount instead of the price? 

Percentage Discount

percentage_discount is a dynamic field calculated automatically by our system, that shows the % discount that an item has:

( ( price - sale_price ) / sale_price ) * 100.


price: 200.00€

sale_price: 160.00€

percentage_discount = ( ( 200 - 160 ) / 200 ) * 100 = 20

Currency Fields

Currency is also available, in both its symbol and ISO code versions:currencyThis can be useful in order to create different dynamic field combinations in Creatives. Eg:

combinacion de dynamic fields