Google Merchant instant upload

Connect your catalogs from Feeds to Google Merchant Center so that they are always updated

This functionality allows us to connect our feeds with our Google Merchant account, so when AMP has processed them, they are immediately updated on the Google platform.

So there is no need to program anything in Google Merchant and we have the information of our products updated at the moment.

How does it work

When we create a Google feed, this integration will show a link to our Google Merchant account, so we can indicate which one we want to automatically update when the AMP feed is updated.

Screenshot of the creation processo of an Optimized Feed for Google.

How to activate it

To get it up and running, we need to link our Google Merchant with AMP. To do this, click on Google Integration:

A pop-up will open so we can register our account with Google. Click on the “Sign in with Google”:

And we accept the Adsmurai Marketing Platform application:

By pressing Allow, we will have our Google Merchant accounts linked in AMP, and we will be able to select which Google feeds we want to update directly in Google Merchant.

Check for updates in Google Merchant

We can see the information on Google Merchant updates directly from Feeds, if we click on Google Integration again: