Google Shopping free listing

How to maximize exposure and boost sales with Google's Free Listings

Google Shopping Free Listings is a feature introduced by Google to help businesses gain visibility and reach potential customers without investing in paid advertising campaigns. With this feature, products from eligible retailers will appear in the Google Shopping tab's organic search results, providing brands with an opportunity to reach millions of users who are actively searching for products to buy.

How can a brand activate Google Shopping Free Listings?

Activating Google Shopping Free Listings is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up this feature for your brand:

  1. Create a Google Merchant Center account

  2. Verify and claim your website. You can do this by adding a verification code to your website's HTML or using the Google Analytics tracking code.

  3. Set up a product feed. This feed will be used to populate your Google Shopping Free Listings. 

  4. Select your target country and language: In your Google Merchant Center account, go to the "Settings" tab and choose your target country and language. This ensures that your products are visible to the right audience.

  5. Opt-in for Google Shopping Free Listings: Navigate to the "Tools and settings" menu in your Google Merchant Center account, and click on the "Growth" tab. Under the "Programs" section, you will find the "Free product listings" option. Click on "Get started" and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the enrollment process.

Monitor your performance

Once your Google Shopping Free Listings are active, regularly check your performance metrics in the Google Merchant Center dashboard. This will help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your listings and boost sales.