Setting up a Postback URL for your Adsmurai One Tag events

Step by step guide on how to get notified for each event managed by your One Tag account.

Setting up a Postback URL for your events managed by Adsmurai One Tag is easy and can be done from the platform.

1. Create a new Pixel

  1. Go to your Adsmurai One Tag dashboard and create a new Pixel
  2. Select "Postback" as type
  3. As Pixel name, type a descriptive name
  4. As Pixel ID, type any id with more than 5 characters. There is no requirement from Adsmurai side, but you will need to use it on your Google Tag Manager container. Example: 123456.
  5. As your URL, paste the url you want to receive your postbacks to.


2. Google Tag Manager setup

  1. Edit your Adsmurai One Tag tags on your Google Tag Manager container. Add the "Postback" Pixel ID you created in the previous step.
  2. Make the changes to all the events you need.
  3. Publish the container and it's working!

Do Postback events count for the event quota?

Yes, as it's an additional server request.