Setting Up a Naming Convention in AMP

Creating an efficient and organized Naming Convention for your campaigns

Setting Up a Naming Convention for Adsmurai Marketing Platform

Welcome to this guide on how to set up and configure a naming convention within the Planning of Adsmurai Marketing Platform. Let's dive into understanding how you can create a clear and structured naming convention for your campaigns.

Choosing Field Separators

To start off, you'll need to decide how to distinguish different fields within your campaign names. You have the freedom to use any special character, but remember, it should remain consistent across all campaign names. At Adsmurai, we often utilize the "_" character due to its user-friendly nature.

Selecting Naming Fields

Once you've selected your separator, it's time to choose the fields that will be a part of your naming convention. Think of this like creating a menu for a restaurant. Just as restaurants standardize their processes to efficiently prepare dishes, your campaign fields will serve as the ingredients, and the campaign values will be the recipes of each ingredient used to create different campaigns.

Remember, these ingredients (campaign fields) remain consistent over time, while recipes (campaign values) might see slight variations or new additions. The goal is to organize these components in a logical order to easily identify them.

Fine-Tuning Your Naming Convention

After establishing the sequence of your campaign fields, the next step is to introduce the various "recipes" or campaign values that will be used for each field. Simply add all the necessary values, and once you're satisfied, you're good to go.

If you're curious about how your naming convention looks, you can easily view it at the bottom of the screen. This visual check helps ensure that it aligns with your expectations:

To wrap up your configuration, simply click on the "Save" button.

💡Quick Tip: Remember to only include fields that are pertinent to creating media plans and analyzing and monitoring your advertising campaigns.

Feel free to edit your naming convention whenever you'd like and in whichever way you prefer. However, it's important to recognize that any changes you make might have consequences. Just as altering the composition of a menu can lead to the removal of certain dishes, modifying your naming convention could result in the removal of certain campaign fields that are necessary for your media plans. This underscores the importance of careful consideration when making changes to your configuration, as these changes could impact your media plans and delete them.

Configuring Smart Fields

Much like using pre-cooked ingredients in the kitchen, we have smart fields in AMP. These are automated fields extracted from campaign data. They simplify the process and save time. You can find existing smart fields like:

  • Network (Facebook, Google, TikTok, Taboola, Criteo, etc.)
  • Objective (Lead generation, brand awareness, conversions)
  • Detail Objective (Followers, catalog sales, engagement)
  • Funnel Phase (Branding, Consideration, Conversion).

To include these smart fields in your naming convention, navigate to the naming set up and select the desired smart field in the Campaign fields column.

Campaign Status: Ensuring Campaign Compliance

After setting up your naming convention and including all the relevant values, you can check whether your campaigns comply with the configured requirements. Go to the Campaign Status view to identify your campaigns' statuses.

  1. Naming Position: Indicates the position of your business variable within the naming.
  2. Campaign Fields: These are the variables you use to identify your campaigns, such as the platform or country. 
  3. Campaign Values: The possible values for each campaign field. 
  4. Status: Displays whether the campaign values match the naming convention. You'll see different statuses:
    1. Matched: All campaign field values adhere to the naming convention.
    2. ⚠️ Partially Matched: Not all values are stored in the naming setup. Go to Naming Setup and add the missing values.
    3. 🛑 Not Matched: None of the values match the configuration. Go to Naming Setup and add the missing values.

Using Filters and Searching Campaigns

Within Campaign Status, you can use filters to categorize campaigns for easy analysis. Click the funnel icon in the top right corner to access filters.

Filters include:

  1. Matched: These are campaigns where all their values have been correctly stored in the naming set up, resulting in a 100% match.
  2. Partially Matched: Campaigns falling under this category haven't had all their values saved in the naming set up.
  3. Unassigned this month: This filter captures campaigns with end dates this month or in the future that lack complete value assignments.
  4. Not Matched: In the "Not Matched" category, no values have been previously stored in the naming convention, resulting in zero coinciding values.
  5. Active in Media Plans: These campaigns are linked to an active media plan.
  6. Inactive in Media Plans: This group includes campaigns not associated with an active media plan.
  7. Without Tracking this Month: Campaigns in this segment are currently being invested in but aren't being monitored within any media plan.
  8. Show Hidden: This filter provides visibility into campaigns that were previously hidden.

Utilizing these filters empowers you to effectively manage your campaigns, ensuring that each campaign aligns with your specified criteria. This enhanced control allows for streamlined and optimized campaign performance.

Remember, you can search for campaigns by name or ID, and you can also filter by advertising account.

Updating Campaign Namings (Facebook and Google)

If you make changes to your campaign namings, you can instantly update them in Campaign Status. Locate the campaign you want to update, click the icon, and then click "Update."

And there you have it! Your campaigns are now structured, efficient, and easy to manage with your newly configured naming convention. Keep in mind that changes may impact your media plans, so always consider any adjustments carefully.