What fields do I have to add to my catalog?

Product information that you must have in your catalog

When creating a product feed, we have to include the information about our products that each platform need to be able to carry out the campaigns. This information is known as product attributes or fields, and they must have a specific name and specifications, which depend on the platform and the products we have: the platform doesn´t require the same attributes if we offer fashion, hotels, houses, or electronics.

To upload the feed to the platform there are attributes that are mandatory and others that are optional. It is necessary to include all the mandatory ones, or the platform will reject the feed. The additional fields help the platforms to improve the positioning of our products, make it easier to impact our potential clients, and reduce campaign costs, so whenever we can we should include them.

Bellow, we list the links to the information of the different platforms, to know which fields we must include in the product feed.

Meta (Facebook)

E-commerce products

For availability and announcements, extra info

In the article Edit item availability and prices in a data list, Meta explains how it displays product availability and how it should be populated in the product feed.

Hotel rooms

In the article Hotel Ads - Catalogs & Feed you will find the information to create your room feed for your hotels.

Real Estate

In the Get Started guide for Real Estate, Meta explains the fields and values ​​that a feed of homes for rent or sale must have.



For Google, it is necessary to follow the Product Data Specifications for Google Merchant.

Please note that you may need to add more product attributes, depending on the vertical you are working with.



On TikTok, product feed attributes can be found in their Product Catalog Parameters article.



In this article, you will find more information about Catalogs on Pinterest.