Can I create weekly reports in Pivot Table?

Streamline the analysis process by saving your favorite filters and metrics in Pivot Table

As digital marketers, we tend to constantly analyze the data from our advertising campaigns. In order to streamline this analysis process, you can now save your pivot table configurations and access the information you need in just one click.

This is a brilliant idea to automate your weekly and monthly reports.

Save filters as templates

Saving filter templates in Planning is straightforward. Just follow these simple steps:

    1. Pick the filters you wish to apply from the left menu of the Pivot Table.
    2. Click on the template button.
    3. Provide a name for the configuration and choose your desired time period.
    4. Click "Save".

    Add/Remove metrics

    You can choose which metrics appears or not on the Pivot Table. To get started, simply follow these steps, and you'll have a Pivot Table that's perfectly suited to your goals.

    Accessing Metric Options

    To begin, click on the distinctive three-column icon situated in the upper-right corner of the Pivot Table interface:

    choose metrics planning

    Choosing Metric Presets

    Upon clicking the icon, a menu will open, presenting you with an array of metric presets. These include Full Funnel, Branding, Lead Generation, Performance, and Default presets. Feel free to select a preset that aligns with your analysis requirements.

    Crafting Your Custom Metrics

    For an even more tailored approach, you have the option to forge your very own metric preset. Easily achieve this by dragging the desired metrics from the available list to the designated column on the right-hand side.

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    Saving Your Configuration

    Once you've fine-tuned your metrics to your liking, it's time to save your configuration. Click the "Apply" button to solidify your selections. Don't forget to give your newly crafted preset a distinctive name, allowing for easy recall in future analyses.

    Feel free to repeat this process as often as needed. You have the flexibility to fine-tune your settings to perfection. Plus, sharing is a breeze! Anyone with access to the organization can enjoy the benefits of your customized configurations.