Catalogs for prospecting audiences

Sales goals and how to configure our catalog to achieve them

Since we are working with prospecting audiences, we have to make an extra effort to get them interested in our product and our brand. Remember that prospecting audience have not interacted with our brand just yet.

Basic strategy

Carry out ongoing campaigns, with the complete catalog (without excluding products), where the advertiser platform filters and updates the product data.


The use of layouts is very relevant since it can allow us to associate the catalog products with the Look&Feel of the branding campaigns, connecting both campaigns and increasing the possibilities of purchase.

Advanced strategies

In addition to the basic strategy, you can include some catalog optimizations and segmentations to improve the profitability of dynamic prospecting campaigns.

Exclude low ticket products

Exclude the lowest ticket products, to increase ROAS. We have to keep in mind that in conversion campaigns with prospecting audiences, the CPA is higher than in retargeting.

→ How to: Go to Optimized Feed, enter Segmentations and use the price or sale_price fields to filter out  the lowest price ticket products.

Show only Big Sales

If we are a brand that is not known yet because we are entering a new market, we may be interested in going with a catalog only with the best sellers, since they are products that we know are accepted in that market and can favor sales by impulse.

→ How to: You will need to activate the Data Sales Integration in Feeds. It will automatically include the performance_data field that shows the best-selling products to be able to segment by the best-selling products. You can also run it manually by indicating the product ids in a segmentation filter.

Show only Novelties

Another segmentation that can promote sales is to include only the most innovative products or new collections.

→ How to: You will need to activate the New´s In feed optimization feature. It automatically includes a new_since date field that you can later use to create segmentations based on how old the product is.

Create Hype Collections

If you have special campaigns that might add an extra incentive to sales make sure to use it properly.

→ How to: You will need to define which products are included in these promotions by means of a specific field that contains that information in the catalog, or identifying them by a segmentation by id.

Discounted products

In prospecting audiences we seek to pursue impulse sales. A strategy that works very well is to target only the products with a % discount and customize a layout for them. 

→ How to: The fields that you can use to filter are price and sale_price or discount_percentage.

Title and Description improvements

In some platforms is very relevant the title and description quality to maximize the appearance in searches. 

→ How to: We can use the Concat optimization to add relevant information, or Replace to change keywords in our title and description fields.

Implementation on the platforms

Once our Optimized feed is ready to be uploaded to the platforms, we have to select the proper campaign method based on the platform in which we will appear. As we have commented throughout the article, it is interesting that in these campaigns we have copies adapted to generate FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), such as: “Last units”, “Finish your purchase before it runs out”, “PRODUCT is running out of stock”.

We will activate DBA campaigns with recommended best practices. We can also use catalogs to activate consideration or branding campaigns with the collection format along with a video format

Google Google Merchant
Smart Shopping/Maximum Performance campaign.

Collections Ads.


Catalog sales campaigns. On this platform it is relevant since by its nature users are actively looking for inspiration through Keywords.