Integrate Magento with Feeds

Product feed extractor for Adobe Commerce Cloud, aka Magento 2

Getting the products feed data from our Magento is no longer a pain!

To make a seamless integration Adsmurai developed a feeds extractor. We only have to follow these simple steps to allow Adsmurai to extract the product info.

Step by Step Guide

1. Access to System > Extensions > Integrations


2. Click on Add New Integration button:


3. Fill in the fields shown below. We must remember the password, as it could be asked again. 

4. Access the API section and select the options shown below.


5. Save and Allow the API integration.

6. As a final step, share with Adsmurai the Access Token generated.

7. Before sending the Access Token, don't forget to Activate the new Integration!

That's all. Easy, isn't it?