Integrate Vtex with Feeds

Product feed extractor for Vtex

To integrate your Vtex account with Feeds and connect all the information from your product catalog, you just need to share the following details with your usual Customer Success contact or through our help center:

  • Name of your store in Vtex or client_id
  • App Key and App Token (more info on how to obtain it here) with access to products, categories, prices, and cart simulations
  • Confirmation that the Affiliates configuration has been set up (see steps below)
  • Main country of your e-commerce
  • URL of your e-commerce
  • Currency you work with

Once Adsmurai has this information, the integration will be configured.

Affiliates Configuration

For a more fluid update of the catalog information, we recommend working with an affiliate-type configuration.

To do this you must proceed with the following configuration in Vtex:

You will need to fill the following empty fields:

With the following information:

Search Endpoint must be configured like this:

yourshopid must be replaced by your actual shop id, which is usually the information located in between hyphens inside the appKey. E.g.: vtexappkey-yourshopid-KASIANCDO).