Catalog updates

When should you be updating your catalog? How many times a day?

For a better synchronization and update of the data in your campaigns, you should configure the update of your catalogs according, first of all, to the time in which the information is refreshed in your system.

For example, if a brand updates its catalog information every day at 6am, the correct thing to do would be to configure the catalogs in Feeds at 6:30 or 7, to ensure that the time of discrepancy between the brand's system and Feeds is minimum. You must also ensure that the update on the platform (Meta, Google...) is scheduled for a little later, around 7:30.

Remember that for Google you can activate the instant upload so that any change made in Feeds is replicated in Google Merchant immediately, without the need to wait for a specific time or to do it manually.


Catalog updates

The configuration of the catalog update is done at the Data Import level. The Optimized Feed(s) that depend on this Data Import will be updated when it is updated.

To configure the update times we can click on edit Data Import and go to the Schedule section:


Timezone selection

Here you will define the time zone in which those catalog updates will be executed. so if you define the time zone in Spain and configure 10:00 in the morning, the reading will be launched at 10:00 Spanish time, and if you change to the time zone in Peru, it will be launched at 10:00 in the morning Peruvian time.

Recurring updates

Configure here the update times that you want to happen daily.

Punctual updates

For special moments in which we are going to have an exceptional catalog update or for which we foresee a relevant change in stock, we can configure specific update times. To do this we will specify the day and time.

If during that date we want to keep only the exceptional hours, we will select the “Pause recurring” option, otherwise, we will leave it deselected.

The "Pause recurring" option is useful to avoid overloading our eCommerce with unnecessary updates, and to get the feed optimized as soon as possible.


How many updates do I need?

Oversizing the volume of updates that a catalog needs can lead to overloading the system and slowing down the updates themselves, so we recommend applying just and necessary ones.