CRM Integration via Spreadsheet

Learn how to import conversion data from your CRM into AMP and attribute it to your campaigns

CRM Integration via Spreadsheet

The Adsmurai Marketing Platform is a constantly evolving tool designed to assist marketers in their daily tasks. Given the dynamic nature and growth of the industry, there are times when we may not be able to cover all the online advertising platforms available in the market.

While we continue to work on providing all possible connections, we have created an integration with Google Sheets that allows us to collect information from other platforms. This way, you can import data from sources like your CRM and attribute it to your advertising campaigns within AMP.

Requirements for Using This Integration

To use this integration, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Connect the Ad Accounts: Ensure that the ad accounts to which you want to attribute the data are connected within AMP.
  2. Use the Spreadsheet Template: This specific template must be used to integrate and import the data into AMP.

How to Use the Template

This is the template that should be used to import data from other platforms and attribute it to your advertising campaigns within AMP. The template contains the following columns:

  • Campaign ID (Mandatory): The unique identifier of the advertising campaign to which you want to attribute the data.
  • Insight Day (Mandatory): The day when the conversion events occurred. If a conversion event can change over time (e.g., a lead progressing to an interview), you should specify the day when the lead moved to the next stage of the funnel.
  • Conversions (Mandatory): The total number of conversion events that occurred in a specific campaign on a specific day.
  • Conversion Value (Optional): If a conversion value is attributed to the conversion event, it should be indicated in this column. If there are multiple conversions in one day, enter the total conversion value.
  • Currency (Optional): If a conversion value is provided, specify the currency in which the value is given. Later in AMP, you can view it converted to your preferred currency.
  • Conversion Type (Mandatory): The standard conversion type must be selected from the provided values. This information helps categorize different conversion events according to your business model.
  • Conversion Subtype (Mandatory): This will be the name of the metric under which the imported data will be visualized.

Integration Process

Once you’ve configured the template, you can open a ticket with our support team to perform the integration. Within 24 hours, you will be able to see all the information linked to your advertising campaigns.