Metric analysis in Pivot Table

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In order to measure the success of campaigns we must establish certain key metrics. These metrics are called key performance indicators (KPIs).

Surely you have already heard of them, but why are they so important? They are metrics that allow you to obtain conclusions about how the campaigns have performed and to be able to make better decisions when planning investment for the future (strategic part) and optimizing the campaigns on a day-to-day basis (tactical part).

Do all brands have the same KPIs?

Although it is true that every company goal is growth and revenue, when it comes to planning digital media and developing full funnel strategies, not all campaigns are focused towards revenue. We must be aware that this revenue is the final objective within the business but that, within the funnel, each phase will have its own KPIs.

To this, we must add the vertical in which the brand is located, the behavior of the user, the usual path of purchase... Hence, the importance of adopting the metrics for each client.

KPIs for each funnel phase 

The reason behind having different types of campaigns is to be able to approach each user in a different way depending on the brand awareness and purchase intention. 

The moment of the funnel in which the users find themselves does not depend on us, as we will see below, but we can work to help him down the path to purchase.

Before moving on, open a tab with the Planning tool so that you are able to visualize the different KPIs of the funnel for an easier explanation. With this said, here we go!


Brand awareness (Upper-Funnel): The objective of these campaigns is to generate awareness in users about products or services that they may not be aware that they need at the moment, but when seeing the ads, that non-latent need that they did not have before may arise.

With this type of campaign we seek to reach as many people as we can to show our product. Some examples would be reach campaigns on FB or TikTok, or a YouTube campaign focused on generating coverage through Google's audience Network.

The main KPIs for these campaigns would be impressionsCost per 1000 impressionsreach or the frequency with which we have impacted the user.

If it is a video campaign, relevant metrics could be viewsVTR at 50%VTR at 100% or Cost per view (CPV).


Within planning we can compare metrics between different channels, which allows us to draw conclusions about which channel has obtained the best results. For example, if you have a 15” video on Facebook, Tik Tok and Twitter, you will be able to see on which platform a better or higher VTR has been obtained.

Within the planning, in the column customization part, we can find the pressets of the different parts of the funnel. In this case we choose the “branding” presset and they show us the metrics mentioned above among other relevant ones.

Consideration (Mid-Funnel): Here we are looking for a user who already has a certain intention or knowledge about a product or service. This user may or may not know our brand. One of the main differences with users of the upper-funnel is that this user is already aware of the need they have, while users of the upper-funnel part are not.

Within this moment of the funnel, we could be seeking different business objectives with our campaigns (increase website sessions, increase app downloads, achieve a first point of contact with a potential client, etc.)

Within this part of the funnel we have different relevant KPIs that must be adapted to each case. For instance, if an education brand is focused on getting a first lead through a FB Lead campaign, some important metrics will be the CPL (Cost per lead) or the CR (Conversion Rate), although it is also important to review metrics such as CTR or CPC.

In planning we will find presets for this type of lead generation campaign in which we can add more relevant metrics.

Conversion/Retention: We have reached the last part of the funnel. Although it is true that we could add a retention part to the funnel, the relevant KPIs for that part are very similar to those that we will work on this part of the funnel in which the customer journey ends, which is why we do not differentiate when analyzing metrics.

Here we do seek to obtain a greater economic return from the campaigns compared to previous moments of the funnel. The work done previously throughout the funnel will enhance the possibility of obtaining better results with our conversion campaigns, although it does not guarantee success. For this we must continue working on the strategy and analyze the results of the campaign and make decisions based on our KPIs. In this last part of the funnel we can highlight 5 important KPIs:

  • Average ticket (AOV): This metric shows the average value of the shopping cart that the user makes on the website or in an app.
  • Conversion Rate: Although mentioned above in the consideration section, this is also a very relevant metric that allows us to know the percentage of users who end up performing the action we are looking for within the website or app. That is, we can see if the users we are bringing to the web are of good quality.
  • Cost per acquisition (CAC): Depending on the business vertical, it can be called in different ways (Cost per purchase, cost per registration, cost per subscription…). This metric indicates how much investment we need to obtain a user, purchase, etc…
  • Return on advertising investment (ROAS): This metric tells us the benefit we get for each euro invested in advertising. If we work with an ecommerce and we have an ROAs equivalent to 4, it means that for each euro invested in advertising we will be obtaining a return of 4. The higher this metric, the better, since it implies that we get a greater profit per euro invested.
  • Average ticket (AOV): This metric shows us the average value of the shopping cart that the user makes on the website or in an app.
  • Conversion Rate: Although it has been mentioned before in the consideration part of the funnel, here it is also a very relevant metric that allows us to know the % of users who end up carrying out the action we are looking for within the web or the app. That is, we can see if the quality of the users that we are taking to the web or app.

In planning you can see all these metrics in the performance presset.

If we work with a Full Funnel strategy, there is also the option to select the default presset for this strategy.

Save templates of your favorite filters and columns

You can also save your favorite filters and columns to quickly access the information you need. Learn more in this article.

Analyze, report and improve

Once we have our metric pressets done, it's time to analyze the KPIs to make decisions. From planning, this cross-platform analysis can be done pivoting by different business values ​​and filtering the different types of campaigns. The option to download reports in excel, pdf and raw data format is also available.

Finally, another interesting feature is Group By, which is located next to the date picker and allows you to group data by day, week, month, and year. In this way we can analyze the evolution of the key metrics period after period and thus validate if the applied strategy obtained better performance than the previous one.