Troubleshooting your Adsmurai One Tag

You have followed all the steps to set up One Tag: how do I know it's working?

Congrats! You have followed all the steps required. Let's walk you through how to confirm everything is working fine.

We already have an article on how to test each channel. Please read that article first.

Steps to troubleshoot One Tag on production

  1. Visit a page where the event should be triggered.
  2. Open "Inspect" and go to Network
  3. Filter by "event" as shown in the screenshot:
  4. If you see a "200 OK", good news! Probably everything is working fine. If you click on "Response" you should see the detail per channel:

Potential issues

The request got cancelled

If the request doesn't show a 200 and it says "Cancelled" it's probably due to a refresh that happened right after the request to One Tag mas made. We recommend making the request when the page is loaded instead of when it's being exited.

Subdomain is not working

If you have set up Custom domains, make sure to visit the subdomain and confirm you see the Adsmurai logo (it make take 10-15 minutes from the initial setup). If not, you'll probably see "404 Not Found" on Network.

Some domain extensions are not supported due to Google restrictions (One Tag works with Google Cloud). Those extensions may include .school and others.

One Tag Token is not correct

If you see a "400 Bad Request", go to Preview to see the error. If the param is "auth-token", create another token on your Adsmurai One Tag dashboard and paste it in your GTM.

Pixel IDs were not added on your Adsmurai One Tag dashboard

If you added a pixel on your GTM tag but  not on your One Tag dashboard, you'll see a "400 Bad Request". Go to Preview to confirm your suspicions. You should find a message like "One or more pixel IDs (396956000000) weren't found on customer's pixels. Please visit your user area to add pixels IDs to your account."