What optimizations can I apply to a feed?

An overview of the optimizations you can apply to your Optimized Feeds

What are optimizations for an Optimized Feed?

Optimizations for an optimized feed refer to various techniques that can be applied to improve the product fields, making them more appealing to potential customers.

What types of optimizations are available?

There are four main types of optimizations you can apply to your feed:

  • Replace: This optimization replaces specific characters with those you specify in a selected field.
  • Compose: With Compose, you can modify an existing field or create a new one by combining data from different fields.
  • URL Params: URL Params helps you include static parameters in the URL, such as tracking information, for better insights.
  • Layout: The Layout optimization applies a selected layout to the main product image in image_link.

How does the "Replace" optimization work?

The "Replace" optimization allows you to replace characters in a selected field with the ones you specify. It works with any set of literal characters, meaning you can change individual characters, parts of text, or entire words.

What does the "Compose" optimization do?

The "Compose" optimization can either modify an existing field or create a new one. By applying Compose, all information in the selected field is replaced by the indicated combination of data. For example, you can concatenate the title and brand fields to create a new field that includes both.

How does "URL Params" help in feed optimization?

"URL Params" allows you to include static parameters in the URL, such as utm_source or utm_content, to track the performance of your products better. However, keep in mind that it only accepts static parameters, not dynamic ones like product IDs.

What is the purpose of the "Layout" optimization?

The "Layout" optimization applies a selected layout to the main product image (image_link). This can be useful for highlighting specific products or promotions based on certain conditions.

You can find more information about optimizations in the article "Improve your catalog through optimizations".

Access the "Before and After" section within any provided Optimized Feed to preview your catalog before launching it.