4 steps to succeed in Feeds

Everything you need to take care of to get your catalogue ready

1. Upload and analyze the catalog

Learn how to Create a new Data Import.

Check the health of your catalog: We will fix some common mistakes as (missing fields, 404 links, wrong price format...)

2. Create and optimize our feed

In this second step, we will create and optmized the feed: 

  1. First, we set up the feed according the platform that we want to work with.
  2. Second, we segment the feed to show only the item that we need.
  3. Last, we improve our catalog with optimizations.

3. Improve creativity

In this step, we will take our product image to another level, applying layouts and dinamic fields. 

Important: DO NOT apply layouts for Google Shopping. 

4.  Launch your campaigns in platforms such as Facebook and Google 

Now, magic starts here! 

👉 Learn how to upload you catalogue to Facebook or how to upload it to Google