Connect your ecommerce to Feeds

How to generate a product feed of your eCommerce to integrate it with Feeds (AMP)

In order to advertise or connect your products with the platforms, we need to generate a product feed from the data in our system. The product feed must contain the necessary data required by the platform to which we want to upload them, in a specific format.

In Adsmurai, this process of structuring the data for the platform is done automatically, and we only have to worry about generating a data feed of products in a format that is comfortable for us (CSV, JsonL or XML) and passing it to Feeds.

To keep it simple we have worked on an easy way to integrate some of the most relevant ecommerce:

To request help on how to integrate your ecommerce, get in touch with us here and our Customer Success team will guide you throughout the process.

If you have another type of ecommerce or even a custom one we can still work on a custom solution for you.